I was told I would have to pass 5 exams for my general contractor license and you say 4…why?

For a general contractor license, you have 4 exams to pass

  1. Administration. Duration 3h00
  2. Safety management on construction sites. Duration 1h30
  3. Project and construction management. Duration 4h30 (A session of 3h00 + a session of 1h30)
  4. Execution of construction works. Duration 3h00

The Project and Site Management exam is given in two parts on the same day. Thus on your exam invitation, you will see 2 invitations for this same exam, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, hence the confusion of some people.

You do pay the RBQ the fees for 4 exams.

See the fact sheet on this exam:

https://www.rbq.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/medias/pdf/Publications/francais/GPC_general_FicheInformationSurExamen.pdf (LINK in french)

You can also validate the information with the RBQ.

Moreover, when you want to check the validity of information given to you in relation to exams and licenses, the ideal is to go to the source and join them. So you are sure of the validity of the information given.

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