What exams do you need to pass?

The number of exams you must pass depends on the type of License and the License subcategories you are requesting.


General Contractor License (ANNEX I)


For a general contractor license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Administration

  2. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  3. Project and Construction Management

  4. Execution of Construction Works in the sub-category(ies) covered by your request.


As a result, one exam must be passed for each requested subcategory.



Specialized Contractor License (ANNEX III)


For a trade contractor license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Administration

  2. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  3. Project and Construction Management



Specialized Contractor License (ANNEX III)


For a trade contractor license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Administration

  2. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  3. Project and Construction Management



Specialized Contractor License (ANNEX II)


For a trade contractor license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Administration

  2. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  3. Project and Construction Management

  4. Execution of Construction Works in the sub-category(ies) covered by your request.


As a result, an exam must be passed for each requested subcategory


General Owner-Builder License


For a general owner-builder license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  2. Project and Construction Management

  3. Execution of the Construction Works in the sub-category(ies) covered by your request.


As a result, one exam must be passed for each requested subcategory.



Specialized Builder-Owner License


For a specialist owner-builder license, you will need to pass the following exams:


  1. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  2. Execution of the Construction Works in the sub-category(ies) of Annex II covered by your request.


As a result, one exam must be passed for each requested subcategory.


Contractor's license for civil engineering (subcategories 1.4 to 1.7)


For each of the sub-categories between 1.4 and 1.7, you will have to pass the following exams:


  1. Administration

  2. Safety Management on Construction Sites

  3. Project and Construction Management

  4. Execution of Construction Works of one of the sub-categories 1.4 to 1.7


Accordingly, an exam must be passed for each subcategory requested.


Exceptions for plumbing and electrical (subclasses 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5 and 16)

For any request concerning subcategories 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 and 15.5, you must contact the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec.


Similarly, for any request concerning subcategory 16, you must contact the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec.


The professional qualification was transferred to these two corporations. If your request concerns both corporations, please contact one of them only.


General Information Sheets and Competency Profiles


The Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) provides information sheets and competency profiles for each area of qualification.


The general examinations (common to all Contractors) and the Execution of Works examinations (concerning specific sub-categories) therefore relate to questions associated with these skills and competencies.


Construction Execution Examination


Examinations in the execution of construction works are intended for Contractors and Builders-Owners candidates.


There are as many exams as license sub-categories. A person who passes an Execution of Construction Works examination may act as a guarantor for all construction work included in the sub-categories.

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